Blind observation is a method of data collection that aims to reduce or eliminate the influence of human bias on the results of behavioral research. The observer does not know the hypothesis, the experimental conditions, or the expected outcomes of the study. This way, the observer can record the behavior of the subjects without being influenced by their own expectations, preferences, or assumptions.
Blind observation can be applied to different types of behavioral research, such as animal behavior, human behavior, or social behavior. For example, in a study of animal communication, a blind observer might record the vocalizations of different groups of animals without knowing which group is exposed to a certain stimulus or treatment. In a study of human decision making, a blind observer might measure the reaction time and accuracy of participants without knowing which group is given a certain instruction or feedback. In a study of social behavior, a blind observer might rate the attractiveness or trustworthiness of faces without knowing which face belongs to which group or condition.